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Ivory Research Interface Data Analysis Services, Tableau Public Visualizations.

Ivory Research Interface Data Analysis Services.


Tableau Visualizations.

The following visualizations were made in Tableau Public. These were initially created as a series of tutorials that introduced undergraduate students to data analysis. Here, the examples are very rudimentary to make data analysis more accessible to college students. Designed to remove a lot of the intimidation from statistical analysis, the Tableau functions used produced simple time-series charts, representations of sample proportions, and box-whisker plots. Video tutorial lectures that accompanied the visualizations were created and placed in a series of webpages exclusive to students along with the embedded visualization. Video tutorials were made such that students could go back and replay parts of the various processes.

Data sets for each example were either compiled by me (from secondary data), or downloaded from Google Forms (from primary survey data). Then, data sets were cleaned in R Statistics, and written to a Microsoft Excel (XLSX) file.

Please feel free to browse about the visualizations. The Tableau Workbooks are downloadable.

If your organization would like a live tutorial, or to conduct a series of analyses on some data sets, please contact me by email or direct message.

Philippine MSME Financing Statistics 2011.

Source: Aldaba, R. M. (2011), "SMEs Access to Finance: Philippines", in Harvie, C., S. Oum, and D. Narjoko (eds.), Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) Access to Finance in Selected East Asian Economies. ERIA Research Project Report 2010-14, Jakarta: ERIA. Pages 291-350.

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.